Fixed fan with Pierrot, circa 1925

Fixed fan with Pierrot, circa 1920 Fixed fan with Pierrot, circa 1920 Fixed fan with Pierrot, circa 1920 Fixed fan with Pierrot, circa 1920
Fixed fan with Pierrot, circa 1920
Fixed fan with Pierrot, circa 1920
Fixed fan with Pierrot, circa 1920
Fixed fan with Pierrot, circa 1920

Fixed fan with Pierrot, circa 1925

Flexible bakelite or celluloid fan.
Written Brevettato

Good condition

H :

To be compared with René de Garam's fixed fans, patented February 6th, 1924.
Les brevets déposés en France au 20e siècle. Maryse Volet (p. 188)

More informations about this item

Fixed fan with Pierrot, circa 1925

Fixed fan with Pierrot, circa 1925

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